Sunday, March 30, 2014

Billie??? WHY Billie????

So … I’m getting a lot of flack about the “sudden” name change to Billie.  To me, it’s kind of sad that I feel so strongly about something and all I get is made fun of and straight up rebellion from some people. People I call close friends. But it’s ok, I realize it’s not an easy thing to understand nor is it an easy thing to do, but to me, if a friend really feels that strongly about something, at least, instead of making them feel bad about it, try to understand why. I have only had ONE person actually care enough to sit down with me and truly want to get to the bottom of why. Once she knew, she had full respect to why and has at least tried to call me that ever since. I’ve had a few others that just respected it and didn’t even need to ask why. Both are awesome. As of now, I am so … just disappointed in people that I’m truly done explaining and this post, is it for the explaining and if it’s not enough then I will know where I stand in your life.

Aside from the personal aspect … let’s put that aside. Let’s just work on the fact that some people just flat out think I’m cray-cray. I have done a little research myself and although I knew this already, there are many people in the Bible who’s names were changed OR they went by more than one name (or a different name than the one they were born with), I didn’t realize just how many there actually are (I found about 17+) … but just to name a few popular ones …
Abraham (Abram), Sarah (Sarai), Israel (Jacob), Paul (Saul), Peter (Simon) …
Oh yes and let’s not forget probably one of the most important ones in the Bible that goes by many many names … God the Father, The Holy Trinity, Alpha, Omega, Christ, Lord, Savior, Yahweh, Emmanuel, etc. etc. etc.

So I say this … if it’s good enough for my Lord and the people he surrounded himself with and the people he chose to do His good works, I think it should be good enough for me.  In no way do I even compare myself to those awesome people, but I do strive every day to be more like Him … and if it’s good enough for him then it can’t be wrong for me. Goodness, even my own son loves it and my own mother’s been calling me Billie. Yet my own friends are having a problem with it … hahaha.

I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but I have my reasons, they’re personal and I shouldn’t have to share it with everyone just to appease curiosity (not that anyone asked, except one). Oh I’ll correct myself here, people have asked other people, but not me directly. I won’t even go there to say what that is, but “tisk tisk” to you! Moving on … I love all of my friends, I have great respect for everyone in my life, all for different things. I would hope that you all know me well enough to know that I’m not crazy and above all, through all of my mistakes in my life I am not the person I used to be.  Give me some credit and know this isn’t a rash decision I have thought this through, I do have reasons behind it and obviously they mean a lot to me.

So this is it … I’m not going to beg and plead … it’s now up to you.