Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Religious" Posts Really tick me off!!!

This Blog is for all of the people that have ever mentioned that they're bothered by people who post "religious" status postings on social media.

YES HE DOES!DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that ALL people that post are like me, but the majority that I know are. I am writing off of that and off of what I believe and how I am. As with any stereotype, it's a majority thing, so please just give me the benefit of the doubt here and understand that I'm speaking for "MY people" LOL (the people that have a relationship with their Saviour), not for the "Religious" nut-jobs out there ... (Oops! did I say that out loud LOL).

Now back to the point at hand. Some of the reasons that I have read from people as to why they do not like it when people write "religious" statuses are:
  • It just doesn't belong on social media.
    • Well, let me stop you right there. What? Well, then where does it belong? Come on now! Look at how many things that are on Social Media and you're picking on the one good, family oriented, mentally healthy, peaceful, honest, good thing that you can? Shame, Shame! Try picking on the dirty, nasty, inappropriate things that your children see every day that turn them into sex addicts, smokers, alcoholics/drug addicts, having mouths like truck drivers and brats. Then, we'll talk.
  • It offends people.
    • Excuuuuuuuuuse me ... BUT as much as I do not want to offend anyone, I will not apologize if my bible verses and biblical opinions happen to offend someone. There are plenty of things that are put on social media that offend me, but I know that if I don't like it I can either turn them in to the social media company (if it's THAT bad) or just block it/unlike it/unfriend it/unfollow it, etc. etc. etc.
    • Freedom of expression. Everyone uses that one as an easy go-to ... why can't Christians?
    • Social Media is about expressing who WE are as an individual. If you're on my "friend's list" or "following" me, then you want to know me better or you're my friend. In that case, I'm not going to be fake ... I'm going to be ME. This is me, take it or leave it.
    • If you don't like it ... say goodbye. 
Social Media Woes
  • You're PUSHING your "religion" on other people.
    • Well, NO, I'm not. For those that know me, the last thing I'd ever do is push God on anyone. I know better than anyone that a person is going to come to God on their own time and not by being hounded.
    • The only thing that I won't stop doing is giving credit where credit is due. If it happens to be God, then so be it. If something happens that's awesome at church, then so be it. I will talk about it. If an inspirations bible verse happens to touch me, then I will share it. This is a HUGE part of my life. This is me. I'm not pushing you to be like me, but if you want to be my friend, then it's one of those things that you'll have to "deal with" in order to be my friend. Lord knows there's probably things all your friends deal with about you. Nobody is perfect.
    • It's no different than people talking about politics, gay rights, abortion (either pro or against), capital punishment, etc. Once again ... Freedom of speech. 
    • If you can talk about something that you're passionate about, why can't a Christian talk about something that we're passionate about?
My one question to you is this;
WHY does it bother you so much? I have heard some even say they're Christians and still don't like seeing posts about God and would never do it themselves. WHY? Why is it so bothersome? Is there something in your heart that is bothered by the very mention of Jesus/God? Maybe that is something that you need to look further into.

Let me leave you with this to ponder on:
What is the point of gaining the entire world, then at the end of your life, lose your own soul?
This world is just a blink in time, compared to forever that we will spend in the "afterlife",
how will you spend it?
Check out this verse below  (Jesus speaking the words below)... 

"If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His Father's glory with the holy angels." 
Mark 8:38
 To sum it up ... If you're ashamed of God, when it comes time for you to get into Heaven... He will be ashamed of you.  No Bueno!

So that is it ... I certainly hope I haven't offended anyone. God Bless you and Have a great week!!!

He loved you that much

Friday, January 17, 2014

KILLER Takes 24 Minutes to Die

Poor Poor rapist/murder took a whole 24 minutes to die ... awwwww isn't that just so sad that he may have possibly suffered for a few minutes??? Not so much, I say.
Everyone has their own opinion on the death penalty. That's not really what I'm here to write about today. Obviously, in this situation it's not up for debate as this man was already sentenced to death. So that's not my issue. I'm not even particularly upset about this particular man or truthfully the reactions of his death. What upsets me is these brutal killers, people that have murdered innocent human beings in horrid ways, torturing them until life left their bodies. Sometimes they'd torture them for hours, days, weeks ... who knows, but these people took lives and their punishment was to have their life taken from them. It dumbfounds me that they have to be healthy to die anyway, but when something like this happens (see article-> Dennis McGuire Takes 24 Minutes to Die), why is it such a big deal? We've already wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on these brutal killers in courts, appeals and keeping them healthy in prisons so we can kill them, sometimes years and years after they had been sentenced to death. So they suffer a little? SO WHAT??? Look at what these people have done to, not only their victims, but the victims families and their own families and all of the cops and legal people involved. Not to even mention all of us that read about things like this and have attached emotions involved. It's a waste. What's a waste, you ask. It's a waste that they're going to spend so much more money, time, emotion, effort and energy now suing people and cities and states, etc. because of this man's "painful" death. Was it painful? Well, only he can truly tell you that ... and he's dead. Maybe the man just had a seizure as he was dying, who knows? 

Anyway, I saw that on my Facebook and it seemed like a good thing to start my blog off with LOL - yeah, really good, huh? Well, it is what it is. Leave it to me, to start off with a doozy!

death penalty... Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections ...

Restarting My Blog-o-Sphere
The many faces of me ...

Hello ... I used to blog, then I stopped for a very VERY long time. So I wiped the slate clean (deleted the old) and am starting a-new. 

This year I plan on blogging a little more and keeping things in a little less. This could be both good and bad. Good to get things out, good for my stress level, but bad for people to know exactly how I feel and bad sometimes because when people slam me for how I feel ... sometimes, well, let's just say I love a debate. LOL I guess this brings me to another resolution type thing, and that is that I don't want to stress about things so much - I need to learn how to let go.

Having said THAT!!!  I'm going to go ahead and write my first real blog, because something came up on the news today that really got my goat ... See you on the next post!!!

See ya!!!