Friday, January 17, 2014

Restarting My Blog-o-Sphere
The many faces of me ...

Hello ... I used to blog, then I stopped for a very VERY long time. So I wiped the slate clean (deleted the old) and am starting a-new. 

This year I plan on blogging a little more and keeping things in a little less. This could be both good and bad. Good to get things out, good for my stress level, but bad for people to know exactly how I feel and bad sometimes because when people slam me for how I feel ... sometimes, well, let's just say I love a debate. LOL I guess this brings me to another resolution type thing, and that is that I don't want to stress about things so much - I need to learn how to let go.

Having said THAT!!!  I'm going to go ahead and write my first real blog, because something came up on the news today that really got my goat ... See you on the next post!!!

See ya!!!

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